Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Audi and Philips win BIG at Ex Awards

On Monday May 16th, 2011 in Chicago, Event Marketer magazine announced the 2011 Ex Award winners.

This awards program is the only one that recognizes the people and the agencies who are the best of the best in the world of event marketing.

Recognition is given to those who are setting, raising and JUMPing over the bar in moving our industry forward. We are proud to be the people and company behind two Ex Award winning programs this year.

In a field of more than 800 entries across 31 categories, Czarnowski and their clients Audi and Philips came out on top in their respective categories. Congrats everyone!!! This is BIG!

- Best Trade Show Exhibit or B-to-B Environment - AUDI - LA Auto Show 2010
- Best Integrated Trade Show Campaign - Philips Healthcare - RSNA 2010

For more info contact me: mcooper@czarnowski.com

Monday, May 9, 2011

Philips Solidifies Tradeshow Program!

Check out the April issue of Event Marketer Magazine


One of our Curve JUMPing clients, Jeff Masters from Philips Healthcare, is on the cover and the related story tells the amazing story of how Philips, Czar and a whole team of trailblazers are leading what’s next in face-to-face marketing. An excerpt from the article is below.

"Yes, budgets are ticking back and trade show attendance is up. But we’re hardly where we need to be.

Trade show attendees have smaller T&E budgets than they did three years ago and have to be more selective about which shows they go to. And although marketing budgets are back in black, exhibitors are being faced with smaller turnouts, so they’re looking for more effective ways to connect with fewer, more qualified customers—all the while with more conservative footprints and build budgets. And thanks to the rise of virtual events and microsites, marketers have to be even more savvy about creating value around their live experiences to help justify the time and expense of attending.

Indeed, the days of build it and they will come are long gone. But in its place is an emerging spirit of partnership—a more coordinated effort on the part of exhibitors and show producers to work together to create a live experience that busts out of neatly defined booth spaces and instead creates a cohesive show experience that brings like-minded brands together in new, relevant contexts.

The result is a show model that’s heavy on the hands-on and laser focused on providing the right experience at the right time in an effort to energize the entire show base. Because in this new era of trade show marketing, what’s good for one is good for all."

Congratulations to the entire Philips team for continuing to JUMP Curves and gaining well deserved recognition along the way!