Thursday, June 30, 2011

CZAR Jumps again at HCEA 2011

HCEA's (Healthcare Exhibitor's Association)Annual Meeting is the only educational conference in North America that focuses solely on the unique needs of healthcare exhibit marketers and medical meeting organizers. This year, the meeting was held at The Wynn Las Vegas from June 25-28.

Czarnowski was in the middle of the mix exhibiting, mingling with Customers and Prospects and encouraging attendees to JUMP!

JUMP! is a simple powerful word that evokes fun, emotion and action. Launched earlier this year, our JUMP! theme has become a great platform for telling our story of thinking differently.

JUMP! is all about moving trade show marketers and their programs to the next level in a way only Czar can. JUMP! taps into the unique personality, potent personal power and inherent playfulness of attendees…and we literally give them a reason to jump for joy while discussing the possibilities of what’s next for them and their program. We are seeking, celebrating and elevating the Curve JUMPers among us…one attendee at a time!

For a complete run-through of JUMP! at HCEA, check out the Activation Plan. Contact Mark Cooper for your copy ( As with any face to face strategy we coach our customers on, we certainly took our own advice and JUMPed it up a few notches.

This program was shaped and executed by our thinkForm group from across the Czar Globe. You’ll see some of them getting their JUMP! on in the pages of the Activation Plan for the event. A BIG thank you our customers and our new prospect friends and HUGE kudos go out to everyone involved in making HCEA happen…we think we make for a great team!